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PhDr. Zlata Hálova, CSc.

Psychologist and therapist.

Doctorate in Social Psychology, Charles University of Prague.


After graduating in psychology at the Philosophical Faculty, Masaryk University in Brno, she worked at the Psychiatric Department of Brno Military Hospital. Afterwards, she devoted several years to investigation of psychological impacts of ergonomics and furniture design at the Furniture Research and Development Institute. After her return to academia, she studied creativity, perception of aesthetic, and the impact of art on human psyche, as part of her postgraduate studies at the Department of psychology, Charles University of Prague. Her research was accomplished by a PhD thesis in 1988. In the meantime, however, from August 1986 to November 1989, she had to make her living as a cleaning lady for political reasons; In those pre-democratic times even an anonymous denunciation that one’s thinking or acts are not aligned with the ideas of the ruling party could mess up his/her live just like that…


After the change of the political system in November 1989, she did not return to academia. As soon as it was legally possible, in January 1990, she founded Psychocentrum Brno, a private psychological counseling center focused holistically on the prevention of mental problems and on psychosomatics. She organized lectures, courses and regenerative weekends, in which she taught a pro-active approach towards oneself and society. She also collaborated with ecologists (deep ecology movement). She recognized the need for a holistic lifestyle as a basis for good mental functioning, and encompassed the teaching of numerous Eastern practices in terms of body and psyche, including spirituality, into her common psychological praxis.

Since 1982, when she began practicing yoga, she gained an ample experience with the deep effects of asanas, but also with various breathing techniques, relaxation and meditation. (Košice school led by Gejza M. Timčák). At conferences and seminars destined for both professionals and public, she coined the view that one has to perceive a man as a whole and indivisible psychosomatic unit, as a prerequisite for achieving a harmonious life.

In 1990 - by a synergy of lucky coincidences - she joined the 1st holotropic breathwork training group under the guidance of Christina and Stanislav Grof. She completed training modules in Prague, Munich (Stan. Grof - Brigitte Ashauer) and Zurich. Following the final certification module in California, she accomplished the Grof Transpersonal Training in 1993. Over the period spanning the next 25 years, together with her co-workers and students, she has then organized more than 100 weekends with holotropic breathwork, which she perceives as an introspective and therapeutic process.


Based on the training in regression therapy in 1996, and her further study of extraordinary states of consciousness, she developed the use of an altered state of consciousness into a self-standing individual therapeutic method. This approach allows her to address and solve also serious psychosomatic problems that go beyond the scope of one’s personal life history.


In the years 2000-2003 she completed the training in systemic family constellations, developed by Bert Hellinger. With this method, she extended her therapeutic work beyond psychosomatic and spiritual conception of one’s personal problems, recognizing thus sources of trauma in the original family, which may not originate solely in one’s personal or educational history, but in the transmission of unprocessed (unhealed) ancestral traumas.


"The transpersonal approach has provided me with a solid therapeutic framework for multi- (many-) dimensional concept of psyche, which can be burdened directly: by objectively experienced personal traumas, but also indirectly: by subconsciously transferred records of traumas from extra-personal sources. Such burdens worsen or even disrupt one’s personal integrity, and negatively affect his/her integration into society. I therefore consider the transpersonal approach to psychological (psychosomatic and spiritual) problems to be unique and unrivaled. "

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