Who will you meet during the 3rd course of Grof® Legacy Training - Holos? The leader of the training is Milan Hrabánek, one of the world teachers authorized by Stanislav and Brigitte Grof. Milan has over 30 years of experience in the clinical use of holotropic states of consciousness, which he uses in his work at the Holos International Transpersonal Center. Assisting him in conducting the training will be Holos core members Jana Vysoudilová and Tomáš Váňa.
Newly, Jan Šikl will be working with us for this course of training as a training supervisor. Jan is a psychologist, educator, psychotherapist and has training in psychoanalysis and Jungian analysis. Our current supervisor, Jitka Vodňanská, will continue to supervise the continuing studies of the first two training groups.
On selected modules you will also meet experienced psychologist and psychotherapist Honza Benda, who will give lectures on emotional disorders, death and dying, and psychospiritual crisis, for example.
We are very pleased that Michael Vančura and Standa Kudrle have also promised to participate again on the topics of psychospiritual crisis and addiction. Both are also authorized teachers of Grof Legacy Training.
Our training is also exceptional with the participation of lecturers from all over the world and, as in the first two courses of the training, you can look forward to Paul Grof, Richard Tarnas, Rick Doblin, Roland Urban and many other world personalities.
Of course, you will also see Stanislav and Brigitte Grof, who support all GLT trainings worldwide, making sure that everything runs in accordance with their teachings, with an emphasis on the quality of the training and also its ethical side.
Right now you have the opportunity to join the worldwide Grof Legacy Training community, the first step is to fill out an application form.
