Mgr. Michael Vančura
Michael Vančura studied clinical psychology at Charles University. Graduated in 1975. After 8 years of working at Czech psychiatric wards he became a cofounder of Day care center, DSS, for people diagnosed as psychotics. DSS was associated with the Psychiatric clinic of Prague. After this professional period he shifted his focus to prevention of hospitalization for people in crisis. The outcome of this idea was the co-founding of the crisis intervention center RIAPS in 1991, where he was a director for the first four years. There he experienced the usefulness and power of 24hours care for people in spiritual emergency. He finished his training in Holotropic Breathwork® being certified by Stan and Christina Grof in 1992. Afterwards he had the opportunity to assist for some time at Pocket range center, CA, led by Barbara Findaisen.
He finished his training in Ericksonian hypnosis in Germany in 1987 and training in PBSP Pesso Boyden Psychomotoric Psychotherapy in Switzerland in 1998. He has been working as a private psychotherapist since he left RIAPS in 1998. He regularly holds holotropic breathwork sessions since 1992. He is influenced by transpersonal orientation in his approach in psychotherapy and uses spiritual consulting and holotropic breathwork and PBSP in his private praxis. His interest in altered states of consciousness led him to the theme of spiritual emergency and psychedelics. The experiences he gained through trainings especially with Stanislav Grof and seminars with John Weir Perry and David Lukof and what he learned with his clients led to the founding of DIABASIS in 2004. He has been the head of the organization since its foundation. The goal of the organization is to help people who are going through spiritual emergency and to those having troubles after using psychedelics in an inappropriate set and setting - people suffering from bad trips and flashbacks and often being traumatized by that experience.
He lectures on the topic of spiritual emergency and psychedelics at Charles University and other places as well. He also lectures at national and international conferences. Author of articles and chapters in books about Crisis intervention or Transpersonal thinking in psychotherapy. He is managing the help for people hospitalized in psychiatric hospital in Bohnice, sharing the approach there how to differentiate and more properly diagnose and take care of people with spiritual emergency. He has some other experiences on leading and organizing the groups studying altered states of mind using tools like sweatlodge, vision quest, holotropic breathwork and others. Recently he is certified by MAPS for MDMA Assisted Psychedelic Psychotherapy.
Mgr. Michael Vančura, clinical psychologist, psychotherapist.
Czech and English language